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A Democrat Knows He’s In Trouble When……

…….the party sends in former President Bill Clinton to help repair that hole below the waterline.

The Linda McMahon campaign has reached another benchmark as it closes in on Democrat Richard Blumenthal.  Mr. Clinton will parachute into Connecticut on September 26th to assist Mr. Blumenthal’s foundering United States Senate campaign.  A strange use of the potent two term Democrat if, as the Blumenthal campaign was claiming earlier this week, the attorney general enjoys a 15-20 points ahead of the professional wrestling diva.


1 George { 09.17.10 at 3:57 pm }

The statement of a ‘double digit’ lead falls into the same category of: “lawsuits create jobs, I never take PAC money, when I returned from Vietnam, I am an outsider . . .”

2 T { 09.17.10 at 4:40 pm }

The National Democratic Party is digging deep into the well for Blumie.

Is Jimmy Carter next? Let’s just go down the line…

3 Fuzzy Dunlop { 09.17.10 at 6:42 pm }

… and if they weren’t calling in the big guns to raise money for Dick, people would be saying that he was going all Martha Coakley, assuming he will just coast to victory. There’s no reason not to pull out all the stops.

4 Joe { 09.17.10 at 11:18 pm }

I don’t know what’s funnier, this or Blumy’s new ad. It starts by talking about misleading attacks by Linda McMahon, without ever mentioning them and explaining why they’re false.

Then he just rattles off some things he claims to support, including middle class tax cuts. And if you look at the bottom, the citation he offers for proof that he’s for middle class tax cuts is dated… 9/16/10. One day before the ad came out.

Man, that must be one strong position he’s taken, if the only proof he can offer up is dated one day ago.

5 Democrats Issue Code Blue in New England. Bill Clinton to the Rescue. — Daily Ructions { 09.19.10 at 8:09 am }

[…] from today–and will also spend some time in the Boston area for Congressman Barney Frank. We noted on Friday that it sounds an alarm when the Democrats’ star campaigner is spending time in indigo […]

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