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An informal Survey of Schiff Signature Submissions

United States Senate hopeful Peter Schiff needs 8,268 verified signatures of registered Republicans in order to qualify for the August 10th primary.  There may be some nervous moments between now and next week when the final count from local registrars of voters is announced by the Secretary of the State.

As of this afternoon, Schiff had submitted about 26 certified signatures in Stratford, where 5,800 registered Republicans live.  He had 80 signatures in Danbury, where there are about 7,000 Republicans.  His campaign submitted 93 signatures in South Windsor. In Enfield, Schiff’s best town at the May 21st state convention, he’d collected fewer than 60 verified signatures as the afternoon was nearing its close.  Schiff’s most prominent local supporter, state Senator John Kissel, must not have been working the grocery stores this weekend for his candidate.  Kissel, who had been a Rob Simmons booster, endorsed Schiff today.   Kissel, who faces a formidable Democrat in the fall, will be embarrassed if Schiff fails to meet the signature threshold. The 10 term fixture may have to do some explaining of his support of Schiff’s stands on legalizing drugs and dismantling Social Security.

Stamford and Greenwich have the most registered Republicans.  They’ll begin counting signatures on Wednesday.  They may tell the tale.


1 Tom { 06.08.10 at 7:44 pm }

Not surprised – Schiff never seemed determined to actually work the constituents. But hey – people from all over the world are supporting him according to his youtube video comments!!

2 James Bailey Brislin { 06.09.10 at 5:58 pm }

What time did you call Enfield? An extra bunch were delivered yesterday afternoon.

3 cooler { 06.10.10 at 9:11 pm }

yea so um wat’s the update on Stamford and Greenwich.

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