Another Name in the 5th. Newsman Thinking About Making News.

CNBC reporter and former WVIT morning news anchor Brian Shactman is said to be nosing around to get the lay of the land among Democrats in the crowded 5th. Shactman has maintained ties in Connecticut while making his ascent to national broadcasting.
[…] According to Kevin Rennie, Shactman has kept ties in Connecticut while at MSNBC and CNBC and could make the leap into the Democratic field. Speaker of the House Chris Donovan and former State Rep. Elizabeth Esty are also eyeing the seat. […]
He’s not a lawyer!!
Ha ha, Palin. Nice one. My thoughts exactly. A non lawyer running our lives? Can it be? Can we let it happen? The Al Franken of the state house
… which means he’s less likely to be a sociopath too! What did we do to deserve this??
Accomplished guy for someone so young.
A guy in the media is a Democrat. What a surpirse! I never could have seen that coming.
This guy is never going to get the nomination ahead of Donovan or Glassman. He will be no more successful than Peckinpaugh was. Her name ID is higher than his, so I would not even expect him to get as many votes as she did.
Have you ever watched CNBC? That place is Wingnut Central. Yeah, it is a “surpirse” to find a Democrat there.
Why does this guy think he is qualify to represent Connecticut ? Because he read the news off a Teleprompter in CT ? Of course, since he identifies himself as a Democrat ,the sheepule will vote for him, because ” Democrats are for the people”. Wake up,people !! They don’t wan’t to represent you. they want to control you. How many Democrats have become wealthy since elected to Congress ? DeLauro and Larson come to mind. Term limits are the ONLY way to control these people. Think about it,does Chris Dodd, the man of the people, really deserve a PENSION of 15000 a month,especially since he just got a “job” as the chief of the Motion Picture Lobby-for 1.5 million a year ? A honorable man would donate his pension back to the government,but Chris Dodd is not an honorable man.