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Blumenthal Names Chief of Staff From Planned Parenthood (and Campaign).

Senator-Elect Richard Blumenthal has reached into the ranks of Planned Parenthood and his campaign for his new chief of staff.  Laurie Rubiner, vice president for public policy for Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), sent an email making the announcement.

Rubiner declared to friends and others: “I wanted to let you know that I will be leaving Planned Parenthood at the end of the month to join Senator-elect Richard Blumenthal as his Chief of Staff. We are tremendously fortunate to have elected Richard Blumenthal in Connecticut and I look forward to helping him begin his important work in the Senate. I am enormously grateful to Cecile Richards and the entire Planned Parenthood federation and staff for the opportunity to have worked with them over the past two years on behalf of the millions of women who need affordable health care. I look forward to working with all of you in my new position.”

A couple of months ago, Planned Parenthood went on the hunt for ““mysoginistic photos of women and WWE.” They wanted to use them against Republican Linda McMahon in her race against Blumenthal, according to a Politico report. The McMahon campaign raised questions at the time of coordination between Blumenthal’s campaign and Planned Parenthood.  Those charges look today like they were on target.


1 Nick { 12.08.10 at 4:55 pm }

Yet, much of the local and national media dismissed McMahon’s claims as merely grasping at straws. Sad.

2 Tweets that mention Blumenthal Names Chief of Staff From Planned Parenthood (and Campaign). — Daily Ructions -- Topsy.com { 12.08.10 at 5:16 pm }

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jon Zajac, Young Republicans. Young Republicans said: (@DickBlumenthal) Picks Vice President Public Policy for Planned Parenthood Federation of America As Chief of Staff….http://tiny.cc/xnln2 […]

3 Mike { 12.20.10 at 2:05 pm }

I thought Blumenthal campaigned on how he as Attorney General (I’de say he’s more of an attorney than a general) has stood up to the special interest groups.
Well it looks like Planned Parenthood is one special interest group he’s not gonna stand up to (although Dodd didn’t either, so it’s not much of a change). And in 2009, Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics failed to provide legally mandated reporting requirements on their “patients'” age and gestation period 511 times.

4 Mike { 12.20.10 at 2:07 pm }

Also with Planned Parenthood working on finding those “misogynistic” images of WWE, wasn’t that involving itself in political campaigning, something which Planned Parenthood as a 501 c 3 group is not allowed to do?
Maybe the IRS should investigate and strip their tax-exempt status.

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