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Check Your Fight Card: Klarides vs. Blumenthal. Levy vs. Himes. Stefanowski Gets Clear Shot at Nomination for Governor.

This takes the cake. Late Thursday changes in state Republican maneuvering for party nominations. Themis Klarides, chased out of the race for governor, will retreat to challenging U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal. An announcement will come this weekend. The Democrat is seeking his third term. Klarides served as a state representative from Derby for 22 years. She is married to Republican activist Greg Butler, an executive at Eversource, the state’s unpopular electric utility. Expect Blumenthal to revive his interest in Connecticut’s onerous business and consumer power rates.

A Klarides-Blumenthal race may have some uncomfortable moments for the states junior senator, Democrat Chris Murphy. He’s Blumenthal’s loyal Democratic colleague but Murphy and Klarides formed a close friendship when they served together in the state legislature. Both were elected to the House as freshmen in 1998.

Greenwich Republican Leora Levy, who had been contemplating a Senate bid, may run against U.S. Representative Jim Himes. Levy, who was Donald Trump’s nominee to be the U.S. ambassador to Chile, has cultivated national Republican donors as Connecticut’s party committeewoman. Republicans expect Levy, who has a compelling family story of flight from the island prison of Cuba, to provide a chunk of her considerable wealth to fund her campaign against Himes, a former Goldman Sachs investment banker. Levy suffered a stinging defeat last summer when she failed to win the Republican nomination for the Greenwich-centered state senate seat in an August special election. The vacancy occurred when Democrat Alex Kasser abandoned the seat to fight her epically contentious divorce over the marital millions. That trial grows near.

The changes in the Republican fight card should help Bob Stefanowski avoid an expensive battle for the Republican nomination for governor. He will be able to concentrate the $10 million of his fortune on Governor Ned Lamont in their rematch.

Lamont has announced he will fund his re-election campaign, his fourth bid for statewide office. Blumenthal is one of the Senate’s wealthiest members and spent $2 million of his family fortune against wrestling mogul Linda McMahon in their 2010 campaign.

There is a theme well-planted in 21st century top tier Connecticut politics. The price of admission is far beyond most people’s ability to pay.

Posted January 27, 2022.

January 27, 2022   Comments Off on Check Your Fight Card: Klarides vs. Blumenthal. Levy vs. Himes. Stefanowski Gets Clear Shot at Nomination for Governor.

Stefanowski Sends Some Messages to Party Activists in Announcement Video.

The renovated Bob Stefanowski has more than one message as he begins his second campaign for governor. Stefanowski’s 4-minute video is stuffed with special guest turns.

Dorothea of Morris reveals her electric bill is higher than her rent. Energy bills are likely to loom large in the the race for the Republican nomination if former House Minority Leader Themis Klarides remains in the race. Klarides is married to Eversource executive Greg Butler. The giant utility is widely unpopular across the state.

Tara Carr, elected Brookfield’s first selectman in November by defeating a Democratic incumbent, praises Stefanowski for his virtues as a listener. An army veteran who rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel, Carr served in Afghanistan. If state Republicans are to emerge from the wilderness, they will need leaders like Carr.

The most intriguing appearance is silent. Carolyn Candelora appears in a final shot, behind Stefanowski on the right. She’s the wife of House Minority Leader Vincent Candelora, who served as deputy leader when Klarides was the head of the House Republican caucus.

The ancient promise to eliminate waste, fraud and abuse from state programs will not carry Stefanowski through to November–even with a repeated dollop of a forensic audit. The Madison Republican will need some meaningful specifics is he’s to withstand a sustained and withering assault on the airwaves from incumbent Governor Ned Lamont.

January 21, 2022   Comments Off on Stefanowski Sends Some Messages to Party Activists in Announcement Video.

UPDATED: Stefanowski Makes $1 Million Media Buy.

Republican gubernatorial hopeful Bob Stefanowski has begun a $1 million buy, Daily Ructions can report. Ads will start running Monday as Stefanowski moves to establish himself as the frontrunner for his party’s nomination.

The ads will appear on the panoply of modern advertising platforms. The ads will reintroduce Stefanowski to Connecticut voters. The Madison Republican was defeated for governor in 2018 by Democrat Ned Lamont.

Lamont is seeking a second term and will once more self-fund his fourth statewide campaign.

UPDATE: The buy so far:

•   WFSB: $190,050
•   WTNH: $71,050
•   WVIT: $147,000
•   WUVN (Univision): $18,600
•   WRDM (Telemundo): $32,000

Published and updated on January 20,2022.

January 20, 2022   Comments Off on UPDATED: Stefanowski Makes $1 Million Media Buy.

Legislative Leaders to Meet With Lamont Wednesday. Governor Wants Laws, Not Emergency Powers.

Democratic and Republican legislative leaders will meet with Governor Ned Lamont Wednesday afternoon to chart a way forward over Lamont’s public health emergency powers. The group will meet by Zoom at 4:30 p.m.

Lamont, mindful of his re-election campaign, wants his emergency powers enacted into law by special acts. A third year of extraordinary authority bestowed upon him by legislative leaders would signal to voters that his success in dealing with the Covid pandemic does not match the gentle narrative portrayed in the governor’s television commercials.

Some legislative leaders may resist the Greenwich Democrat. One faction does not want to extend Lamont’s authority in any manner. Others would prefer not to have their fingerprints on specific grants of authority that may raise a social media storm.

The meeting is closed because Lamont and legislative leaders have a narrow view of how far the public’s right to know extends into the conduct of the people’s business. Pay no attention to that original Norman Rockwell the governor likes to point to in lieu of transparency.

Posted January 18, 2022.

January 18, 2022   Comments Off on Legislative Leaders to Meet With Lamont Wednesday. Governor Wants Laws, Not Emergency Powers.

It Begins: Stefanowski to Launch Rematch Bid for Governor Wednesday.

Bob Stefanowski, who astonished Republicans by winning the party’s crowded 2018 primary for governor, will make official Wednesday his return to the arena. The Madison Republican gave Democrat Ned Lamont some nervous moments during the Democratic wave year. Stefanowski lost the Greenwich Democrat by 45,000 votes.

Stefanowski ran a single-issue campaign with a promise to repeal the state’s income tax. The self-funding Stefanowski advertised that pledge on cable news outlets at the start of 2018 while other candidates delayed entering the race or scrambled for months to qualify for public financing and seeking party convention delegates’ support.

Since his 2018 defeat. Stefanowski has become more familiar to party activists. He impressed many with his ability to locate. acquire, and distribute PPE during the traumatic early days of the COVID pandemic in 2020. The former payday loan honcho has been expanding his brief with opinion pieces published in Connecticut newspapers and the Wall Street Journal.

Stefanowski will face former state Representative Themis Klarides in the contest for the party nomination. Lamont is unopposed for the Democratic nomination. Lamont will fund his campaign from his fortune.

Posted January 18. 2022.

January 18, 2022   Comments Off on It Begins: Stefanowski to Launch Rematch Bid for Governor Wednesday.

Democrat Paul Honig Announces Bid for 8th Senate District.

Harwinton Democrat Paul Honig announced Tuesday that he is seeking his party’s nomination for the eleven-town 8th Senate District. Honig is a selectman in Harwinton and has unsuccessfully run for the House.

The University of Pennsylvania graduate is running “on a platform focused on making Connecticut more affordable, growing our economy and supporting a robust recovery from COVID, and protecting our environment,” Honig said in a written statement. After graduating from Wharton (you know who else in politics went there), Honig enjoyed a successful 22-year career in fixed income finance.”

Honig is an active volunteer in the region and lives in “an ultra-energy efficient house” that he and his wife Diane built in 2012.

Republican Kevin Witkos, in his eighth two-year term, has faced Democrat Melissa Osborne in three of the last four campaigns. Osborne was able to narrow her margin of defeat but could not defeat the Canton Republican.

Witkos won re-election in 2018 and 2020 as six of his Republican colleagues fell during an ongoing realignment of suburban voters away from his party. He has not announced his intentions for 2022.

Posted January 18, 2022

January 18, 2022   Comments Off on Democrat Paul Honig Announces Bid for 8th Senate District.

Fay Seeks Republican Nomination for Comptroller.

West Hartford Republican Mary Fay is running for comptroller. The town council member ran for Congress from the state’s 1st district in 2020. She created her committee declaration on December 30th.

Fay was the $175,000-a-year executive director of the Connecticut State Retirement Authority during its brief life. Fay hurled angry recrimination’s at the authority’s board as it dissolved. She was embroiled in controversy a year ago when on Facebook she appeared to endorse a local Trump supporter’s participation in the January 6, 2021 protest over the loathsome demagogue’s 8 million vote defeat by Joe Biden. Recriminations followed when Fay claimed criticism of her by Shari Cantor, West Hartford’s mayor, and then-Republican council member Lee Gold caused her to receive threats that endangered Fay’s safety.

Democrat Kevin Lembo, who was elected comptroller three times, resigned last week, citing health issues. The Democratic competition for the comptroller’s nomination is expected to be fierce. State Representative Sean Scanlon, currently serving in a prize hackerama job at Tweed New Haven Airport, has been calling town chairs. Scanlon checks no boxes for diversity.

If elected, Fay would be only the fifth Republican in more than 60 years to win a constitutional office.

Published January 4, 2022.

January 4, 2022   Comments Off on Fay Seeks Republican Nomination for Comptroller.

UConn Announces Online-Only Start to Spring Semester—Then Takes Down Directive.

A grim start to 2022 in Storrs and Stamford. The University of Connecticut’s spring semester may begin with online-only class and “will closely resemble the residential quarantine the university followed in the fall of 2020,” Daily Ructions has learned.

UConn posted and then removed the detailed announcement Thursday night—after the deadline for students to cancel on-campus housing agreements. Students will be allowed to begin to move into campus housing on January 29th, two weeks after the original date.

Students will be required to have vaccine booster shots. Oddly, only “discussions are also occurring regarding requiring the same for eligible faculty and staff.” Following the science ought to lead the leaders of the state’s premier public university to recognize that faculty members are likely more vulnerable to the COVID virus and its variants than are students, many in their late teens.

Published December 30, 2021.

December 30, 2021   Comments Off on UConn Announces Online-Only Start to Spring Semester—Then Takes Down Directive.

Lamont Emits the Powerful and Obnoxious Odor of Mendacity Over Test Kits That Got Away.

The Covid home test kits were mired in supply chain troubles. They were not stuck in a warehouse. They were not delayed in a cargo plane waiting in line to take off.

Governor Ned Lamont never secured the first 500,000 home test kits that were to have arrived in Connecticut Wednesday and been distributed by the state’s 169 towns beginning today. Nothing is on its way.

Lamont said Thursday he believed there was a contract and knew there was an agreement. The Greenwich Democrat engaged in some astounding hairsplitting as he faced the press upon returning from Florida Thursday to try to rescue a gobsmacking own-goal in the final week of the year. Lamont and his administration claim they are the victims of multiple misrepresentations from the supplier Lamont declined to identify in his painful appearance in East Hartford.

“I think we got a little ahead of ourselves, to tell you the truth,” Lamont explained in a memorable understatement of the wounds he inflicted on his credibility in four days.

The best the Harvard and Yale Management School graduate can claim is he was duped as his administration spiked the ball at the start of a very bad week for an incumbent governor seeking a second term.

Published December 30, 2021.

December 30, 2021   Comments Off on Lamont Emits the Powerful and Obnoxious Odor of Mendacity Over Test Kits That Got Away.

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like an Election Year. Hrezi Campaign Doing Doors.

Democrat Muad Hrezi’s campaign has been out and about during this holiday season. The palm card above was left at the door of a South Windsor Democrat a few days before Christmas.

Hrezi is challenging incumbent Democratic U.S. Representative John Larson from the left. Hrezi declared when he announced his candidacy in September, ““Politicians beholden to corporations will always protect corporate interests…Instead of being shocked at the little progress our leaders have made, it’s time for us to change our leaders.”

That defiant language suggests Hrezi has not taken a serious look at the campaign finance reports of his former employer, Senator Christopher Murphy. Northeast Utilities, the predecessor to utility behemoth Eversource, larded one of Murphy’s political action committees with contributions that provided plenty of dough for such urgent public priorities as tickets for sporting events.

There’s plenty to talk about in a vigorous Connecticut campaign, but the topics are not always what candidates prefer to address.

Published December 29, 2021.

December 29, 2021   Comments Off on It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like an Election Year. Hrezi Campaign Doing Doors.