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FBI Legend Mike Clark Will Run in the 5th.

Farmington town council chair and former FBI agent Mike Clark tells Daily Ructions he will seek the Republican nomination for Congress in the 5th district.  Clark was a leading member of the team that brought down corrupt former Governor John G. Rowland in 2004.

Clark is a professor of criminal justice at the University of New Haven and also works part-time for UTC on security issues.  He was among the multitude consulted and considered by Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Foley in his erratic quest for a running-mate.


1 anonymous { 01.20.11 at 11:48 pm }

Well that’s the sound of Bernier’s chances being flushed down the toilet. If Bernier had any sense, he’d defer to Clark, but it looks like he’s going to continue to be a child.

2 Concerned GOPer { 01.21.11 at 10:35 am }

How strong will Clark be districtwide??? I’m guessing not at all!! Early drop out??

Will Bernier still run, after all Clark was a huge huge supporter of Justin? Not much confidence in Justin eh?

3 Clark who? { 01.21.11 at 7:29 pm }

“Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Foley in his erratic quest for a running-mate.”

That’s strike one.
Anyone within a mile of that so called “campaign” should absolutely be avoided at all costs.

“…a leading member of the team that brought down corrupt former Governor John G. Rowland in 2004.”

Strike two – that won’t play well with the Republican base.

“..former FBI agent Mike Clark”

The FBI?
That fine organization that seemingly intentionally misfiled the charges against former state rep. Richard Foley so he’d be able to get out of the slammer years early despite his guilty plea?

Swell, this Clark fellow sounds like just the guy the Democrats are hoping the Republicans run.

4 I Got Your Act { 01.22.11 at 11:52 pm }

I wonder how Clark will keep it together with those shaky hands. Or maybe they just get shaky when you break the law?

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