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Foley Starts New Suit in Federal Court.

Litigious Republican Tom Foley headed to federal district court this afternoon to enjoin the state’s election commission disbursing additional supplemental campaign finance grants.  The action is based on today’s federal appellate decision striking down that portion of the state’s taxpayer financed campaign program that gives campaigns additional funds based on the amount an opponent spends.


1 EdMfromBranford { 07.13.10 at 5:49 pm }

Hey, if supplemental grants are unconstitutional then candidates shouldn’t get them and if they did, they must return them. What’s so hard to understand about that?

I still think Tom Foley will defeat Fedele in the primary even if Beth Rotman could figure out a way to give Fedele five million dollars. Money isn’t everything in a campaign. There are many proven cases of that.

2 Thurston Howell III { 07.14.10 at 8:20 am }

Money may not be everything in most campaigns, but it’s the only thing Foley’s got going for him. He has failed to show any ability to do anything. His campaign manager and lawyers speak for him and his 30-second ads campaign for him. I actually hope he wins – he’ll pull a Palin and quit after a year because – since he won’t be able to sue or block the legislature in the driveway, he will get very frustrated by his inability to lead.

3 JohnnyH { 07.14.10 at 9:32 am }

I agree Thurston…Foley will not beat Fedele in a primary because he has NOTHING to run on except his ridiculous “kick the can” commercial that he BOUGHT! Money IS everything for Foley and that’s why his camapign is so scared for Fedele to get his. Foley has never had to play fair and he’s scared…hence the lawsuit and appeal.

4 Truth Seeker { 07.14.10 at 11:36 am }

That is completely right. What has Foley ever done?

Well there was the decades of turning around failing companies, but pish….who cares about that. Didn’t he drive one out of business? I mean, it was a textile company that lasted much longer than many others in a time when the textile industry was fleeing to China where labor is far cheaper than it could ever be in the US, but lets not talk about how long Tom kept it afloat, and kept people employed.

No, Foley didn’t do anything else. O, well, there was that one high ranking position he held with the CPA in Iraq, but even though he was there during some of the most hostile times of the war, where even in the GreenZone mortar attacks were common, it wasn’t risky enough. I mean Fedele was traveling around hostile zones with the special forces while Foley was in the posh GreenZone. O wait, no he wasn’t. He was sitting at the back of the room in the CT House making sure not to speak up because that would be too much for the Stamford representative in the fine Italian suit.

Yeah, I can’t think of anything else Foley did. O of course. The ambassadorship to Ireland. Na, thats not all that important either. He is really just a mean rich guy from Greenwich picking on poor little working class Mike. I mean, Fedele is a multi millionaire who owns a Ferrari and a Massaratti, but who cares about all that. Foley is the mean rich guy here.

When are you guys going to realize that Foley is wealthy because of his success, and both he and Fedele are “qualified” to be Governor. The question here is whether or not the LG qualified for the funds under the law. It is pretty clear that there are some serious questions here because the Supreme Court doesn’t hear “frivolous” cases, and this particular case isn’t one that would have required automatic review. I hope the court grants and injunction and Fedele is unable to recieve the public money because to me it is very clear that the LT Gov and the SEEC are gaming the system to protect their own self interests. I wonder if the back room deal here between these corrupt Hartford insiders was “say I’m qualified for the funds and I will make sure the CEP stays the law of the land”. I hope one of the first things Foley does after getting elected is repeal the CEP.

5 EdMfromBranford { 07.14.10 at 10:35 pm }

Yeah, Foley didn’t do anything to help Republican candidates over the years. Oh hold on, he donated to many, many candidates over the years and most especially gave maximum contributions to a whole host of Republican State Rep candidates in 2006 while Oz Grebal has giving money to the DCCC and Fedele was playing in his vineyard in California driving around in Italian sports cars.

Yep, that Tom Foley who doesn’t travel around campaigning, no one knows who he is. Oh wait, Tom personally called many, many delegates, and he and his campaign staff built his following throughout the year while unmotivated Mike Fedele kept telling people he won’t go east of the river because it’s “not worth his time.” The one time he actually did show up in Norwich, there were only five people there who were not part of his campaign staff. Yep, that proved his point! Geez Mike, you seethe contempt for the 2nd district folks so much they can’t stand you.

Yeah, that Foley guy is a self-funding rich bastid who’s just buying the office. Oh wait, he raised over three quarters of a million dollars from individuals while Grebal raised a couple of hundred thousand and ole Mike Fedele and his gang that couldn’t shoot straight, couldn’t find their way beyond the Stamford, Greenwich, New Canaan and Darien town lines to raise the $250K he needed to get the free government money to make the television stations rich. No wonder he came up short and is now trying to game the system.