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Lisa Wilson-Foley on the Verge.

Simsbury Republican Lisa Wilson-Foley attended a “Liberty Unplugged” fundraiser in Avon Friday evening and told some of the 100 guests that she will be a candidate for the Republican nomination for Congress in Connecticut’s 5th Congressional District.  The open seat is an invitation to crowded races for the nomination of both major parties.  Wilson-Foley, who ran for the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor last year, will join Mark Greenberg and Justin Bernier, both making return bids for the congressional nomination.  Farmington Republican and former FBI agent Mike Clark is expected to join the race late this week.

Friday’s gathering, hosted by Joe Visconti and Kay Gray, was a $50 a ticket event for the organization’s April 15th Tax Day event in Hartford.  The crowd of more than 100 included Bernier, Greenberg, and 2010 Republican candidates Ann Brickley, Martha Dean, and Linda McMahon.


1 Josh { 03.27.11 at 2:29 pm }

I’ve known Lisa for over 20 years and I can tell you that I’ve never met a more accomplished and qualified person. She would be an excellent representative for the 5th Congressional District. I definitely think that once Republicans in the 5th district learn more and more about Lisa in comparison to the others, they will rally behind her because she is truly the only candidate who can win the general election. If I were Speaker Donovan, I would be shaking at the news of Wilson-Foley getting into this fight. Republicans would be smart to nominate Wilson-Foley so that our state can finally get real – Republican – representation in DC.

2 CT conservative { 03.27.11 at 6:20 pm }

She is WAAAAYYY to liberal on social issues to win a Republican primary. Given her position on Obamacare, shouldn’t she be running in the Democrat primary?

3 Know Who You Are { 03.28.11 at 8:39 am }

Lisa’s position on Obamacare is to repeal it! Let’s not start the lies about our own candidates! Let them debate the issues and have a clean primary!

4 Happy Conservative { 03.28.11 at 9:16 am }

So glad to hear the race may have such a class act and true conservative! What Lisa has done for our local towns as a business person is amazing. It will be great to have a congresswoman who has created many jobs and helped so many local families along the way.

Lisa has said her goal is to repeal Obamacare. If there aren’t enough votes to repeal it, defund it. If that won’t work, at least she is intelligent enough to try to bring jobs to her district.

Lisa has such a nice way about her. She will serve the 5th Congressional district with dignity and honor! Good luck Lisa!

5 Jim { 03.28.11 at 9:50 am }

Wilson-Foley is a nitwit. Her quote about Obamacare is memorable “let’s make lemonade”. Love all of the Wilson-Foley apologists. Her candidacy is done before it gets started.

6 Know Who You Are { 03.28.11 at 10:08 am }

Jim, which union do you belong to? All I can say is people with a business mentality understand that if you cannot repeal or defund it, you make lemonade. Only someone who has never made a payroll would sit there and complain as opposed to make some good come out of it until we get the senate back so we can repeal it.

It is going to be so nice to have someone who is intelligent representing us. It amazes me how desperate the other campaigns are already. From my view, if they weren’t scared they wouldn’t be trying to destroy her already.

Greenberg will never win because he is so dirty. He cost Caliguiri the election last year. Just a cry baby spoiler and he’ll do it again this time too.

7 way2moderate { 03.28.11 at 3:44 pm }

I’d absolutely delighted to hear this news. Lisa is a gem. Smart, cleassy, and hard-working. And in the area of businesses development and job creation, she has a long list of bonafides.

I hope this is true. Because I’ll be eager to go to work for her!

8 CT conservative { 03.28.11 at 4:38 pm }

Her position on Obamacare shifts with the wind. Today her position is to repeal it – that wasn’t her position yesterday — Lord only knows what her position will be tomorrow.

She said that Obamacare was a great opportunity for her to profit. She clearly has a conflict of interest because she wants to make a buck off of Obamacare. She would be far better off running in the Democrat primary where she could publicly back Obamacare.

9 CT conservative { 03.28.11 at 4:43 pm }

Greenberg is dirty? Would you care to back that up with some facts of evidence or are you content to make an anonymous hit and run character smear?

Greenberg did not cost Sam the election last year (I supported sam strongly). Chris Murphy outraised Sam 3-to-1, this had nothing to do with Greenberg. When Greenberg the primary he was very much a team player in the aftermath. He was fully supportive of both Sam specifically and the entire Republican ticket at large.

I’m sure Lisa is a very nice person, but she does not relfect the views of most CT Republicans. She sees Obamacare as an opportunity to beneifit herself in the wallet.

Greenberg’s position on Obamacare is entirely consistent. I am not Justin’s biggest fan, but say what you want, his position on Obamacare is consistent as well. Lisa’s position on Obamacare changes with the wind.

Sure she is a nice person, but I care more about someone who will consistently oppose Obama’s disastrous agenda — this is not a personality contest, issues matter.

10 Count Pete { 03.28.11 at 8:58 pm }

No need to start running anyone down yet–let’s allow these candidates to introduce themselves, even meet them personally (which we can do easily, this early on) before we decide we can’t stand them. Let us know the people themselves before we judge them.

Case in point: I was as skeptical as anyone about Linda McMahon, but my prejudice melted before the woman herself. She still may not be my ideological ideal, but she’s a smart lady with great instincts who’s only getting stronger. I can support her wholeheartedly any November, would be a fool to cling to my initial impression.

A good rule of thumb in politics is that the best people probably aren’t quite as good, nor the worst so bad as you think. Excessive praise or blame we often regret.

11 Cheshire Kat { 03.28.11 at 10:15 pm }

Let’s wait till we see the whole field before trying to pick off candidates. I for one question whether someone not strong enough to win the 2010 primary is going to withstand the 2012 labot tsunami in CT 5, but that’s not a dig at the credibility or conservatism of Bernier & Greenberg, just their political chops.

12 Happy Conservative { 03.29.11 at 10:12 am }

Cheshire Kat, you are RIGHT ON!!! Greenberg and Bernier lost the primary last year because their message did not resonate with the people. In Justin’s case I believe he may have won if he was able to raise more money. The fact remains we need to consider fundraising ability when nominating a candidate. I plan to take a long look at which candidate is bringing in the money before deciding on whom to support next year. You are right, big labor will be contributing heavily to the Dems. We need to have a candidate who can bring in big, big bucks and has a good message.

13 Chris O'Brien { 04.04.11 at 12:31 pm }

All of this is premature. We don’t even know what district LWF will live in for the 2012 election yet. It might be for the best too. She could have a strong chance against Larson.

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