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More on Dan Roberti and CT-5.

Daily Ructions reported recently that Kent Democrat Dan Roberti’s name is being mentioned in Democratic circles as a contender for the 5th Congressional District nomination. There’s more. The 28 year old public relations maven works for the New York firm DKC and has been devoting time to the imminent release of documentary super-star Ken Burns’ next opus, Prohibition.

Warning to candidates whose sensibilities were formed in the 20th century: DKC emphasizes the power of social media.  You may never know what hit you.  View a few episodes from this season of The Good Wife to learn more.

In addition to political bloodlines from his father, Nancy Pelosi bundler and former state Representative Vincent Roberti, Dan Roberti worked for Democrat consultant and personality James Carville on issues advocacy and his satellite radio sports program.

Roberti earned a master’s degree in pastoral counseling from Loyola University in New Orleans.  That should come in handy in the delicate business of cajoling delegates and donors in the race for the open seat that runs from the western suburbs of Hartford to the New York border.  He was a member of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps at a homeless shelter in Spokane, Washington, though he was not a priest.

As the nephew of a former president of Brooks Brothers, Roberti may add some style to the campaign trail, though we’re still waiting for a candidate who claims an allegiance to Paul Stuart.

Voters often mewl about wanting someone from outside the political establishment, but rarely act on that wish when given the chance.  We may get to see if Roberti can galvanize an inchoate desire into action among Democratic activists.


1 DAD: DemocratsAgainstDonovan { 03.14.11 at 10:00 pm }

If Dan Roberti can beat a Republican in the general, he’s got my vote. No amount of gerrymandering or voting differently the next two years will get Donovan elected.

2 Cheshire Kat { 03.15.11 at 12:19 am }

I suppose such minor niceties as having a family in the district, or a business, or prior representation of their interests in government, are simply too old school for today’s Gatsbyesq political wannabes

3 Dailykos Elections Dailey Digest…3/17/11 - Politicaldog101.Com { 03.17.11 at 12:15 pm }

[…] • CT-05: Kevin Rennie mentions a couple of possible Democratic prospects to replace Rep. Chris Murphy, who of course is running for Senate. One is 28-year-old pr strategist Dan Roberti, whose father Vincent was once a state rep. The other is CNBC reporter and former local news anchor Brian Schactman. […]

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