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More on Today’s Courant Column

Here’s a link to my column in today’s edition of The Hartford Courant.  Space did not allow me to include all the details of Dr. Richard Weber’s ordeal with state law enforcement officials.  They searched his office one day while he was treating patients, though he’d been cooperating–even seek out–authorities. I’ve attached to this post the 2005 deposition of judicial nominee Brian Leslie by Michael Kogut, Dr. Weber’s determined lawyer.  Kogut, who was at Murtha Cullina, LLP, during the pendency of the case, lives in Springfield, Massachusetts, and is a candidate for the Democratic nomination Hampden County district attorney.

The deposition provides more details on the case and a look at Mr. Leslie’s moving target testimony.  It’s a lot to read, but lawyers and legislators might find it instructive.

Part 1 Weber v State Transcript Brian Leslie 2005-3

Part 2 Weber v State Transcript Brian Leslie 2005-4

Part 3 Weber v State Transcript Brian Leslie 2005-5

Part 4 Weber v State Transcript Brian Leslie 2005-6

1 comment

1 John R. McCommas { 05.09.10 at 8:50 pm }

Interesting column. I will reserve final judgment till I know more about it, but it is certainly true that Rell has nominated lots of other bad judges based on irrational things like their gender and race. This guy would fit right in. Rell and Rowland have tinkled away a golden opportunity to shape the judiciary into a fine institution. Instead they traded these judgeships for favors and now it is almost as corrupt as the rest of the state.

Case in point: Suzy B winning her case that tallying votes is really lawyer work.

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