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Report From Fort Foley: We Are a Few Hundred Votes Ahead.

Republican Tom Foley’s camp believes that when all votes are reported to the Secretary of the State, Foley will be several hundred votes ahead of of Democrat Dan Malloy.  The crucible of a statewide recount is inevitable, whatever the results the Secretary of the State certifies.  Foley is a numbers cruncher of the first order, so he has been collecting and calculating results.  They think they have seen results from all but a few scattered voting districts and that those are in places where they are competitive.

We are in for days–maybe weeks–of numbers spinning.

A call has gone out to Washington for Republican recount veterans to head for Connecticut today.  It’s going to get ugly fast.


1 FuzzyChicken { 11.03.10 at 11:35 am }

Let CT go 100% progressive dems…. many of us are already feeling the pain from the massive fees, taxes and spending directed by the CT General Assembly, so let’s just go all the way.

Sooner or later CT will run out of their residents money to pay back all the special interests (SEIU etc).

Buy stock in cardboard…working residents will be packing up and moving to states that respect their residents.

2 Tweets that mention Report From Fort Foley: We Are a Few Hundred Votes Ahead. — Daily Ructions -- Topsy.com { 11.03.10 at 12:23 pm }

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by mchesner and Krayeske4Congress, andy thibault. andy thibault said: CT Guv Race Goon Squad Alert http://www.dailyructions.com/report-from-fort-foley-we-are-a-few-hundred-votes-ahead/ […]

3 Savvy { 11.03.10 at 12:54 pm }

Chris Healy needs to go. Resign, Chris. Resign today.

4 Mark N. Milford { 11.03.10 at 4:43 pm }

Tom Foley is a sore loser.
Tom Foley is probably now Damaged Goods in politics forever.
Tom Foley blew $10 Million bucks (hello? “TEN MILLION!”). I’d be mad too!
Tom Foley needs to concede graciously and go home. He won’t be broke, plenty more cash in the stash.
When the air clears, maybe he will finally explain his arrests and that Bibb mess.
Congratulations to Dan Malloy. “Governor Malloy.”

5 Cathy Y. { 11.03.10 at 6:46 pm }

Tom Foley has lost the election but apparently has also lost his dignity. The classy thing to do right now is to concede and bow out as a gentleman. The harder he fights the loss, the more permanent shame and dishonor he brings upon himself.

Dan Malloy has won, and is the new Governor of Connecticut.

Tom Foley has lost, and is the new King of Shame in Greenwich.

Mr. Foley, I urge you to live up to your image of wealth and serene class, and QUIT WHAT YOU’RE DOING. You are showing some “true colors” now, and you don’t want to spoil your image forever.

6 Bobinthe2nd { 11.03.10 at 6:49 pm }

What can be said, the dependent class out votes the productive class. Ct is a failed state by any measure that can’t not support or maintain itself.

We aren’t even the education state anymore. Ma students are one full year a head of Ct students. Cool huh! Now that’s closing the achievement gap!

oh, did you know the achievement gap between the US and other countries is now greater than the achievement gap in CT!

7 Dave { 11.04.10 at 8:46 am }

It is pretty clear from the events the past year that Susan B. is one of the biggest political hacks out there. Let’s list them:
1. Maintaining an illegal database
2. Running an office she isn’t qualified for (thank God she isn’t the AG!)
3. Having illegal parties with excess funds from her campaign
4. No WWE clothing ruling, that she denied making
5. Not enough ballots in Bridgeport. Seriously, shouldn’t the SOTS call up or warn the Registrar that they should order more ballots?
6. Calling someone an unofficial winner before the votes are counted, and then not releasing the information to the candidate seeking the information.

What a tool. She can’t leave fast enough. Don’t let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.

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