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Connecticut Senate Race Moves to the Margin of Error. Democrat’s Lead Cut to 3 points in Q-Poll.

Welcome Instapundit readers.

This may be the day that muted fear exploded into panic among Connecticut Democrats watching Attorney General Richard Blumenthal turn a sure thing into a dead heat. The 5 term Democrat has seen the vast lead he enjoyed in January melt into a 3 point contest against wrestling mogul Linda McMahon.  The Greenwich Democrat leads the Greenwich Republican 49%-46% in a contest Democrats had thought the had secured in January when beleaguered incumbent Senator Christopher J. Dodd took a powder from the race.

Mr. Blumenthal will feel a particular dismay at one Q-Poll finding:  His favorable rating among likely Connecticut voters continues to erode, descending to 51%, down another 4 points in two weeks.  His unfavorable rating is at 41%, a chilling change for the man who was long enjoyed being the state’s most popular politician.  The free-spending Mrs. McMahon is viewed unfavorably by 43%, favorably by 42%.  Democrats have been waiting for Mr. Blumenthal to unleash a series of attacks on Mrs. McMahon that would boost her negatives.  Instead, the methodical first-time candidate has continued gain on the political veteran, who has had assists this month from President Barack Obama and former President Bill Clinton.

Democratic activists, who used voter anger with the Bush administration in the 2006 and 2008 elections to win sweeping victories, have been disoriented by the change in the political weather that has turned tail winds into head winds.  Mr. Blumenthal has spent his long career in public life accusing, not explaining.  Suddenly, he is the target, not the ally, of the staggering number of angry and dissatisfied voters who make up a majority of the Connecticut residents who will go to the polls in 5 weeks to decide a Connecticut United States Senate race in which the momentum is with the Republican for the first time in nearly 30 years.


1 George { 09.28.10 at 7:39 am }

The Q-Poll was conducted prior to the visit by Obama and Clinton. It is possible that Blumenthal is behind right now.

2 Charles { 09.28.10 at 7:59 am }

It was clear to everyone that Merrick Alpert won that debate going away. Blumenthal can’t think on his feet, Democrats backed the wrong horse.

3 T { 09.28.10 at 8:37 am }

Oh, I can’t WAIT for the debates. “Linda doesn’t answer policy questions, WAHHHHH”. Wait till they see Blumie’s creepy discomfort on TV.

4 Instapundit » Blog Archive » WOW: Rasmussen: West Virginia Senate: Raese (R) Eases Ahead of Manchin (D). “Manchin, despite his… { 09.28.10 at 9:19 am }

[…] Connecticut Senate Race Moves to the Margin of Error. Democrat’s Lead Cut to 3 points in Q-Poll. “Mr. Blumenthal will feel a particular dismay at one Q-Poll finding: His favorable rating […]

5 Paul G. Littlefield { 09.28.10 at 12:44 pm }

Note the lead change to McMahon among the independents by five points. Also, the margin of error of three points, means statistically, Linda has tied Blumenthal on the way to being seated in the new Senate.

6 Dan { 09.28.10 at 3:05 pm }

Senate seat for Sale! Get your peachy, family ego boosting Senate Seat for Sale…..

7 Palin Smith { 09.28.10 at 5:25 pm }

When we Dumped Dodd, the Democrats thought they had a good bull pen. Turned out to be a pile of BS. Everybody said Blumy was unbeatable. We replied with three words.



8 jschmidt { 09.28.10 at 7:52 pm }

Linda has had to pay for all the free publicity that Blumy got over the last 20 years attending every event to get his face in the paper. Don’t know who was doing his job then. But publicity Linda had to pay for and cost a lot.

9 Fuzzy Dunlop { 09.29.10 at 8:01 am }

If Blumenthal loses, the person who will be the most pissed off has to be Chris Dodd (second I guess to Blumenthal himself). Every indication is that he wanted to spend the rest of his life in the senate, but he played the good soldier and stepped aside for what he thought was a sure thing.

10 Palin Smith { 09.29.10 at 9:21 am }

When Blumy loses we will have shown that no incumbent is safe.
Imagination and hard work trumps the status quo!

11 EdMfromBranford { 10.04.10 at 12:35 am }

Mrs. Palin Smith, just like Ray Hackett said, you tea baggers are all bark and no bite. Everyone you people backed lost in the primaries except Martha Dean and she’s going down in flames. Your “no blumen way” buttons are childish and infantile. Melt them down for scrap metal and go buy some tranquilizers.

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