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Trouble on the Front Nine. Controversial Bosworths to Divorce After Short Marriage.

Bosworths on FTS

The preening Bosworths have parted. The former Jennifer Lahmers is suing James Bosworth for divorce, according to Connecticut court records. The two were married in Carmel, California on July 2, 2011. Divorce is a very challenging task. But it gets extremely complicated when you have a child. In such cases, consult attorneys for child custody who will listen to your concerns and will find positive solutions that are best for you and your child. Also, visiting child after adoption should be done only after authentication from your lawyers.

They have maintained a high public profile in Hartford since launching the Back9Network a struggling louche online and cable venture much favored by the Malloy administration. Taxpayers have poured more than $5 million into the startup that has attracted much criticism for its misogynist underscoring. The company raised eyebrows when it hired a former postman, the spouse of Malloy’s chief of staff, after receiving millions in taxpayer funds.

Jennifer Bosworth was a frequent face of the operation. She is seeking temporary alimony as the case proceeds. The Bosworths seemed so happy together when they appeared on WFSB’s Face the State last year.

Who can explain the ways of the heart? A song by the incomparable Beth Leavel may help.

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