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Wilson-Foley in Full Fury. Risks Blow Back With Ferocious Attack on Roraback–For Supporting Death Penalty.

Lisa Wilson-Foley is worried. Her campaign issued a buckshot attack on popular Republican rival Andrew Roraback in the crowded race for the party’s nomination in the open 5th Congressional District. The Simsbury businesswoman took Roraback to task for opposing the repeal of the death penalty, a position Wilson-Foley appears to share. Roraback had previously supported repeal of the death penalty, a position Wilson-Foley opposed. You may have some trouble sorting out Wilson-Foley’s logic. She criticized Roraback for wanting to repeal the death penalty. Now she’s in a rage because he agrees with her.

A Chris Murphy contributor whose fortune lies in the heavily government-subsidized nursing home industry, Wilson-Foley’s sputtering press release suggests reason has taken flight from well-financed campaign. She excoriates Roraback for sometimes supporting increases in the minimum wage. Would she always oppose increasing it? Does she think we should have one? Dangerous ground for the beneficiary of a nursing home fortune.

Wilson-Foley asks if Roraback is going to rejoin the Republican Party. This is another odd tactic for Wilson-Foley to heave into the campaign. She left the Republicans and registered as an independent voter when she moved to storied Newport, Rhode Island, an important venue in her odyssey. The Unionville native registered as a Republican when she returned to Connecticut several years ago.

Raging Wilson-Foley took a calamitous step today when she included in her attack on Roraback his support for same sex marriage. A full-throated defense of the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman will lead the former Lisa Wilson into a web of inconsistencies and embarrassments. This is ground on which she cannot stand. Best to sound the retreat before charging forth on the gossamer wings of lethal advice.

This campaign cannot last long enough. It is pregnant with possibilities.

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