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Crazy is in Session. Republican Gilmer Tweeted QAnon Conspiracy Madness #StormIsUponUs.

Second Congressional District Republicans nominated a candidate who has embraced QAnon conspiracy paranoia. Thomas Gilmer has used his Twitter account to promote The Storm–the QAnon fantasy about arresting and incarcerating members of their favorite favorite target, the Deep State.

Crazytown, as New York magazine calls Qanon, is home to a busy conspiracy theory factory. Gilmer responded to a tweet from Donald Trump disciple Candace Owens about the coronavirus, offering the thought that the global pandemic and reaction to it “is a deep state attempt to destroy america [sic] and our economy.” The tweet was accompanied by hashtags for StormIsUponUs, QAnon, MAGA and KAG.

They are the permanently aggrieved. In May, Gilmer tweeted the trope that Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Even Donald Trump has abandoned that.

Gilmer was included in a Media Matters story revealing 54 Republican candidates who support QAnon. Media Matters was founded by David Brock, who first came to public attention with unflattering investigations of Anita Hill and Hillary Clinton.

Gilmer faces seven term Democratic incumbent U.S. Representative Joe Courtney in November. Gilmer’s nomination is more disturbing than the usual ones that the state’s Republican party is in an advance state of disintegration.