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Absentee Ballot Confusion Update: Do NOT Open Those Envelopes.

Message from Anna Posniak, President of the Connecticut Town Clerks Association:

Good Evening,

COVID-19 Updates 7-27-2020


Absentee Ballots – Delivery of Ballots
The first batch of absentee ballots were mailed by the mail house today (Monday, July 27th). I did not receive an explanation as to what caused the delay.

I understand that voters are frustrated and they have every right to be frustrated. My office is also inundated with the same phone calls that you are receiving regarding the status of the ballot. To say the least, it’s been a long day. The only advice I can offer at this time is to update your website with the status of ballots and/or send out social media messages.

Last Friday, I notified you that the absentee ballots sent by the mail house would not have an outer serial number envelope. The outer envelope will be a generic window envelope. Additionally, I provided an overview of how we would process the voted ballots upon receipt. You must NOT open any of the outer envelopes until you receive an official procedure from the Secretary as to how you should process the voted ballots from the mail house. As you may know, the absentee envelopes from the mail house are not in compliance with state statute. Furthermore, TCs do not have the statutory authority to open the outer envelope.

To repeat, do NOT open any of the outer absentee ballot envelopes issued by the mail house that you may receive by mail, drop box or in-person until you receive legal guidance from SOTS. Please date stamp the outer envelope. I will continue to badger Ted [Bromley of the SOTS office] for the procedures.