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The Cruelty of Cara Pavalock-D’Amato.

There was no misunderstanding. State Representative Cara Pavalock-D’Amato thought a neighbor whose uninhabited house had been foreclosed left a crude note on her windshield. The Bristol Republican responded with a cruel message to the neighbor. The neighbor had not written the note, but that did not keep Pavalock-D’Amato-D’Amato from unfurling her ugly instincts.

Pavalock-D’Amato’s message appears above. The incident occurred Saturday evening. A social media dustup and condemnation from Bristol’s mayor, Ellen Zoppo-Sassu, and press inquiries preceded a statement issued Tuesday by Pavalock-D’Amato, according to The Courant. The third term legislator wrote, “I apologize for any inconvenience or misunderstanding caused over the weekend in my Bristol neighborhood. I brought my two-year-old son with me to an event Saturday night and parked nearby. When asked to move my car, I did.”

Pavalock-D’Amato’s instincts are jarring but not surprising to Capitol denizens who have observed her. Zoppo-Sassu dropped a revelation in her statement that ought to add to voters’ worries. “In the three years I have been mayor, I have never had a conversation or a phone call from Rep. Pavalock, nor has she ever responded to any emails about the city’s legislative agendas or wishlists that I send to the Hartford delegation,” Zoppo-Sassu said in a statement Tuesday.