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DPH Spreads Confusion in Courthouses. Starts and Stops Vaccinations.

The Department of Public Health (DPH) has thrown the state’s judicial branch into confusion over vaccinations of frontline employees, causing some judges, marshals, and detention center employees to cancel appointments.

DPH authorized the judicial branch to upload into the Vaccination Administration Management System (VAMS) names and contact information of its frontline workers. That included judges working in the courtroom, courthouse marshals, and employees at the two detention centers the branch runs. Invitations to make appointments for vaccinations followed. The judicial branch instills the habit of following directions. Appointments were made. Shortly after, DPH executed a reversal and told the branch that due to lack of vaccines workers under 75 years old should not make appointments and those who had should cancel their appointments.

The branch employs few people who are 75 years or older.