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Klarides Team Takes Shape. Trump Veterans Accompany Gubernatorial Hopeful.

Former state Representative Themis Klarides has been making the rounds as she prepares to launch a bid for the Republican nomination for governor. The Derby Republican has been joined on the exploratory trail by two devoted supporters of Donald Trump.

Sebastian Rougemont and Elissa Voccola have been spotted accompanying Klarides as she appears at events around the state. Voccola served as executive director of Connecticut’s Republican organization from 2013 to 2015. She was the director of the Trump Victory campaign in the northeast in 2019 and 2020.

Rougemont was the New Hampshire director of the 2020 Trump campaign. Trump lost New Hampshire last year by almost 60,000 votes, 20 times greater than the margin Hillary Clinton took the state’s four electoral states by four years earlier.

Rougemont and Voccola, who have been looking for a Connecticut campaign, may also be auditioning to join Greg Butler, Klarides’s spouse and the Connecticut face of utility giant Eversource, in running the 11-term legislator’s run for governor. While Themis2022.com has recently been reserved, no documents creating a campaign committee have been filed with the State Elections Enforcement Commission.