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All White Males. Lamont Administration Fails to Match Promise on State Police Promotions.

Governor Ned Lamont’s administration has promoted 11 white male State Police lieutenants to captains in a Thursday ceremony. In an unusual move, the promotions include all 11 who took the promotion exam.

The upper ranks of the State Police are filled entirely with White males. Lamont appointed James Rovella, also a white male, to serve as commissioner of the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, which includes the State Police.

Brian Foley, an assistant to Rovella, said Thursday that years of failing to recruit diverse trooper classes have resulted in the diversity deficit. The Lamont administration has failed to challenge contract provisions that give the state’s highest elected official little authority over the police.

Lamont declared a year ago, “I want a police force, I want a state police force, I want administration, I want judges, I want district attorneys to represent the amazing diversity of our state.” His words have not been matched by results.