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Cusato Announces Endorsement From 11 Legislators in Republican State Party Chair Race. Members Vote Tuesday.

Jennifer Cusato, the Floridian running for Republican state party chair has received the public support of 11 legislators. The ten state representatives and one state senator–listed below–told party committee members in a June 17th message:

On the battlefield of political power and political ideas, Republicans in Connecticut are losing seats at the table and we are ceding ground in the culture wars to deleterious effect. What kind of Connecticut are we leaving for our children and our grandchildren? Seriously.

Let’s get real. It’s worse than business-as-usual in Connecticut. The Republican Party is at the vanguard to push back…or are we? We should be. We HAVE to be.

Jennifer is a poliical professional with a background spanning more than fifteen years that includes work in the battleground states of Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, and Connecticut. She has won federal (U.S. Senate in North Carolina), state-wide (judicial seat in North Carolina), and legislative (state senate and state rep in Virginia and Connecticut.

[Note: Connecticut has not been a battleground state for decades.]

As for that living-in-Florida wrinkle:

We have heard detractors say, “Wee, she doesn’t live in CT.” We ask you, if you were competing for a top job in Chicago, would you move to Chicago before you got the job? Facts: Jen has family in CT. She stays at her brother’s house when she’s flown in for events during this campaign. She has vowed to move to Vernon to work on the campaign to unseat [Democratic state Representative Michael] Winkler. Has anyone other candidate made as clear a threat to a Democrat-held seat? She will face challenges boldly and head-on.

The ten representatives are members of the House Conservative Caucus. State Representative Anne Dauphinais’s support is particularly meaningful because she is a member of the party’s state committee and will be casting a votes at Tuesday’s meeting.

Here are the 11 signatories to the endorsement:

  • Sen. Henri Martin 31 
  • State Rep. Anne Dauphinais 44
  • State Rep. Mike France 42 
  • State Rep. Craig Fishbein 90
  • State Rep. Rick Hayes 51 
  • State Rep. Tami Zawistowski 61
  • State Rep. David Wilson 66 
  • State Rep. Kimberly Fiorello 149
  • State Rep. John Fusco 81 
  • State Rep. Mark Anderson 62
  • State Rep. Doug Dubitsky 47

Cusato faces competition from Gary Byron, Jim Campbell and Ben Proto.