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Minnie Gonzalez Wants Mileage–for 21 Years.

State Representative Minnie Gonzalez (D-Hartford) is seeking a mileage reimbursement payment of $1,785.00 from the Joint Committee of Legislative Management. The request from the 13-term veteran covers 21 years, from January 1997 through December 2018.

A June 30th memorandum from Caroline A. Beitman, a human resources administrator at the legislature, explained that Gonzalez’s request would require special approval. “Legislator and staff travel regulations require submission of requests for mileage allowance no later than 90 days after the completion of the two-year legislative term,” Beitman wrote. “Payment beyond the 90-day period requires the majority approval of the Committee on Legislative Management’s Personnel Policies Subcommittee.”

The subcommittee has made no decision on Gonzalez’s request for 21 years of mileage reimbursements.