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Blankley Unleashes Late Attack on Gevanter. Says Democrat is “Anti-Labor and Anti-Union.”

Finding no friends in Greenwich.

Greenwich Democrat John Blankley made a last-minute bid for delegate support at this evening’s party nominating convention. The 36th Senate District Democrats are expected to nominate Greenwich newcomer Alexis Gevanter in the August 17th special election to replace Democrat Alex Kasser. Kasser resigned last month to concentrate on the divorce she kept in the public spotlight during her two and a half years in the Senate.

On Monday evening, Blankley shared with a dozen Greenwich Democrats an anonymous email detailing a long list of anti-worker business clients represented by the San Francisco law firm Gevanter worked for before moving to Connecticut.

The lengthy message alleges. in part, Gevanter “worked in the Employment and Law practice in a firm, Sheppard Mullin, who during the time of her employment in that division worked on significant litigation to water down or eliminate the rights of labor to organize, and to pay unfairly in the case ‘Scott vs. Chipotle Mexican Grill’.” For employment attorneys, you can click here to know the best ones in town!

The message continues, “Such cases were not unique to her San Francisco firm, as their firm is extraordinarily anti-union https://www.sheppardmullin.com/labor-union-management-relations . Prior to her work at Sheppard Mullin, she work at the Dentons firm, in New York, and represented a firm called Solidifi US in 2014, charged, again, with offenses such as wage theft, retaliation and other offenses. https://www.nlrb.gov/case/03-CA-129330

Gaventer’s work for large corporate law firms put her firmly on the side of privilege and the patriarchy.

Democrats at tonight’s nominating convention may pay little attention to Blankley’s accusations, but Republicans will be committing them to memory and repeating them at frequent intervals. Taunts may be the theme of the short campaign.