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Travis, We Hardly Knew Ye. Brimm Leaves CT Dems and Lamont Campaign in Formation.

Travis Brimm has left the building. The Democratic campaign operative will not helm Governor Ned Lamont’s 2022 re-election bid, Daily Ructions can report.

Brimm, who was recruited for the Lamont campaign, had been parked at the Democratic state party headquarters. Brimm’s salary caused the party’s ledger to groan. Lamont has spent $50 million of his fortune on three statewide campaigns but has not been helpful to the state party’s threadbare finances.

Brimm was hired with the approval of the influential Ann Huntress Lamont and Lamont’s former chief of staff, Ryan Drajewicz, whose private line to the Lamonts continues to baffle insiders.

Lamont’s re-election campaign in Democratic Connecticut may not have provided the career boost the young political pro was seeking. Those campaigns in 2022 are more likely to be found in battleground states such as Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and Arizona.

Posted August 23, 2021.