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South Windsor Republican Who Resigned Over Instagram Posts Returns to Race as Defiant Write-in Candidate. WARNING: THIS POST CONTAINS PHOTOS OF HATEFUL AND OBSCENE MATERIAL.

Adam Wood, the South Windsor Republican who quit the contest for town council in next month’s municipal election, has made a defiant return to the race as a write-in candidate. Wood gave up his place on the ballot after the Journal Inquirer obtained copies of Wood’s Instagram posts.

The posts are horrific in their malice for others. They are misogynist, racist, Islamophobic, and anti-Semitic. Daily Ructions did not post them when Wood removed his name from the ballot earlier this month. Wood’s announcement Wednesday that he is a write-in candidate for the council cause the public’s interest in seeing the posts to outweigh propriety.

Wood complained in his Facebook announcement that he did not receive support from local Republican leaders. He noted that many disagreed with his decision to withdraw from the race. “For those who wish to support me you can do so by exercising your right to vote, challenging candidates and continuing to push for a more transparent government.”

Here is painful transparency:

Posted October 20, 2021.