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Updated: Matthew Brokman to State Democrats as Executive Director. Will Continue as Rojas Chief of Staff.

Matthew Brokman will replace Jacqueline Kozin as executive director of the state Democratic party organization. Brokman is chief of staff to House Majority Leader Jason Rojas (D-East Hartford), a position he held under former Speaker of the House Joseph Aresimowicz.

Rojas announced Monday that he had “some good news to share.” Brokman will be taking the party role and staying on at the House Democratic caucus. Until the next legislative session begins in February and after it ends in May, “Matt’s hours will be reduced at the state as he works to help elect Democrats.”

Brokman is married to Lindsay Farrell, executive director of the state’s Working Families Party (WFP).

The news will disappoint state Senator Gary Winfield (D-New Haven). Winfield has emerged as a powerful influence in Democratic politics and was promoting Christine Bartlett-Josie, an experienced campaign operative for the position. Bartlett-Josie’s DNA campaign management outfit helped eke out a victory last week for the beleaguered Nancy Rossi, mayor of West Haven.

Posted November 8, 2021. Updated November 9, 2021.