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Nice Work If You Can Get It. Hrezi Salary From Campaign Draws FEC Inquiry.

Democratic congressional hopeful Muad Hrezi has caught the attention of the Federal Election Commission. In a March 13th letter, the FEC asked for an explanation of two salary payments made to Hrezi by his campaign.

Hrezi’s paid himself $1,500 on October 5th and another $1,500 on November 3rd. The payments violate the FEC’s rules against “personal use of campaign funds by the candidate.” Hrezi’s campaign finance report noted that the two payments were “Salary (to be paid back to committee).”

The $3,000 could be seen as a loan to the candidate but that would also be a violation of federal campaign finance laws. Hrezi’s error was in not waiting longer. Remarkably, a candidate may draw a salary from his or her own campaign committee after the last day to qualify for a primary. In Connecticut this year, that’s June 7th this year.

Hrezi hopes to force an August primary against 12-term incumbent John Larson. Democratic town committees are in the process of selecting delegates to the May nominating convention. Hrezi will need the support of 15% of the convention delegates or the signatures of 2% of the registered Democrats in the First District.

At moments like this the relationship between a campaign treasurer and a candidate can become adversarial. “The committee must,” according to the FEC letter, “seek reimbursement for the full amount of the personal use violation(s) from the candidate and notify the Commission of such a reimbursement.”

Muad for Congress has until April 18th to respond to the FEC letter.

Published March 22, 2022.