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WTNH Poll: Lamont Maintains Wide Lead Over Stefanowski.

This morning’s WTNH/The Hill/Emerson College survey of 1,000 Connecticut registered voters brings hard news to Republican Bob Stefanowski less than two weeks after he breezed to his party’s endorsement. Democratic incumbent Governor Ned Lamont leads Stefanowski by 13%.

Lamont’s 51-39 lead reflects the Greenwich Democrat’s continuing popularity for his handling of the global pandemic that bore down on Connecticut in early 2020. Lamont holds a 20-point led among women and has a three-point edge with men.

There’s plenty in the poll to encourage Lamont and worry Stefanowski. In an age of rigid partisan divides, Lamont attracts the support of 22% of Republicans. Registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by more than 400,000 voters in Connecticut. A Republican requires near-unanimous support from party voters to have a chance of winning a general election. With 69% of Republicans supporting him, Stefanowski has so far failed to achieve that predicate to a competitive contest.

Lamont defeated Stefanowski in 2018 by 44,000 votes, a 3% margin. An incumbent Connecticut governor has not been defeated for re-election since 1954.

WTNH will release a poll on the state’s U.S. Senate race Thursday morning.

Published May 18, 2022.