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CT Senate Republican Primary: A Push Poll on Survey Monkey.

Some Republican voters have received an invitation to participate in a poll this week–a push poll. Some responses caused the survey to conclude abruptly.

Here are the first questions:

Then the questions reveal the purpose of the survey.

In your opinion, which Republican Senate candidate has the best chance of defeating Senator Richard Blumenthal in the general election in November?

Do you think of Leora Levy as a liberal, a moderate, or a conservative?

The following is information about Leora Levy that you may hear of see in the news or in advertisements. Select whether the information makes you more or less likely to support Leora Levy for U.S. Senate.

Despite being a representative to the Republican National Committee for Connecticut, Leora Levy donated to Senator Richard Blumenthal. 

Leora Levy escaped Castro’s communist Cuba with her family in 1960, embraced American capitalism and went on to become one of the first female commodities traders in this country. 

Leora Levy is a strong supporter of former President Donald Trump.

Leora Levy is a political insider whose civic engagement has been raising money for politicians, including Democrats. 

Leora Levy has flip-flopped on abortion. She claims to be pro-life, but prior to becoming a Republican candidate Levy told the Connecticut Post, “I believe in a woman’s right to make that decision herself,” and “abortion is not really on the top of anybody’s list.” 

The following is information about Peter Lumaj that you may hear of see in the news or in advertisements. Select whether the information makes you more or less likely to support Peter Lumaj for U.S. Senate.

Peter Lumaj is a conservative businessman who sled communist Albania to start a successful business and create jobs in America.

Peter Lumaj is a perennial candidate, having run for Governor, U.S. Senate, and Secretary of the State, losing badly each time.

The following is information about Themis Klarides that you may hear of see in the news or in advertisements. Select whether the information makes you more or less likely to support Themis Klarides for U.S. Senate.

Themis Klarides has a Connecticut gun permit and participates in sport shooting. In the legislature, Klarides voters for additional fun control measures following the Sandy Hook massacre. 

Themis Klarides did not vote for Donald Trump in 2000, instead writing in “the Connecticut Republican leader.”

Themis Klarides is a pro-choice candidate who has voted to support abortion rights with exceptions but opposes late-term abortions.

Do you think of Themis Klarides as a liberal, a moderate, or a conservative? 

Themis Klarides’ husband is the top lawyer for Eversource Energy.

Themis Klarides has seen what’s wrong with government. Klarides is the only one with the experience to hit the ground running to make an impact in the U.S. Senate from day one. 

Themis Klarides did not vote for Donald Trump in 2020, instead writing in “the Connecticut Republican leader.”

Themis Klarides is a pro-choice candidate who has voted to support abortion rights with exceptions but opposes late-term abortions.

Themis Klarides worked as a WWE Ring Girl to pay her way through law school. 

Themis Klarides is the only Republican who can defeat Richard Blumenthal in the general election for U.S. Senate because she can garner support from all parties, not just Republicans. 

Themis Klarides has won 11 elections in a Democratic district, while her Republican opponents have lost every time. 

Themis Klarides is a proven fighter who stood up for small businesses and has always fought for lower taxes. 

Themis Klarides believes crime is out of control, which is why she is the only candidate in the race who’s been endorsed by the Connecticut State Police Union and the Fraternal Order of Police. 

Themis Klarides will fight to close our southern border and end trafficking of humans and drugs that make our communities less safe.

With Washington politicians failing to reduce our cost of living amidst skyrocketing inflation, Themis Klarides has proven she can get things done. Klarides has fought to lower taxes, fees, and other costs for Connecticut families for years and will continue do so in Washington. 

Themis Klarides was the first and only woman be elected as Connecticut House Minority Leader and took on Governor Malloy and won. Klarides will take that same fighting spirit to Washington. 

Knowing this information….

If the Republican primary election for U.S. Senate was held today, and you had to make a choice, who would you vote for?

Do you consider a candidate’s position on abortion to be the absolutely most important issue or are there usually other issues that you consider to be a higher when you choose who to support in an election? 

Are you willing to vote for a candidate who has a different  view than you on abortion so long as you agree with the candidate on most other issues? 

And if the Republican primary for U.S. Senate was held today and Donald Trump endorsed Leora Levy, who would you vote for?

Do you support or oppose using tax dollars to pay for abortions for women who cannot afford them?

Are you a cord cutter, meaning you view most or all of your television programming through alternative internet-based or wireless services like Roku, Amazon Fire TV, or Hulu?

In a typical week, how often do you actively watch the Fox News Channel?

If you had to choose, do you consider yourself more of a Trump Republican or more of a traditional conservative Republican? 

Published June 29, 2022.