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Comey Update: Three State Representatives were with Branford Democrat at Hartford bar before drunk driving crash. BLM860 deletes provocative tweet.

State Representative Robin Comey’s drunk driving crash on Capitol Avenue Thursday evening has raised a host of questions about where and with whom the third-term Branford Democrat was before she flipped her car not far from the Capitol. House Democrats’ spokesman Todd Murphy confirms that three Democratic legislators were also at the Red Rock bar yesterday. They are Lucy Dathan, Anne Hughes and Kerry Wood.

“House Democrats can confirm that Reps. Comey, Dathan, Hughes and Wood were at the Red Rock yesterday,” Murphy told Daily Ructions. Questions about when each of the three legislators were at the popular bar and what they may have observed of Comey were forwarded to their individual caucus press person. No reply has been received from any of the trio.

The collision has stunned legislators, lobbyists and observers. The video of the immediate aftermath of the crash was captured by Fox61, which used nearby Flower Street for access to its newsroom. Footage of Comey unambiguously failing a field sobriety test shows Comey in what appears to be an advanced state of intoxication. That does not happen with a sociable drink or two. How Comey was served to a blood alcohol level of .14 has been the persistent question of St. Patrick’s Day.

Representatives Dathan, Hughes and Wood may be able to provide details on what they may have observed and done to try to prevent Comey from retaining her keys, walking to her car, and driving.

BLM860 posted and then deleted a provocative tweet (a screenshot appears above) about Thursday’s events and the dearth of details on where Comey would get so drunk she could not perform a single step of a field sobriety test. The missing piece appears to be whether one stop on Comey’s drunken Thursday odyssey was state Senator John Fonfara’s shakedown of lobbyists at a $1,000 a ticket fundraiser sponsored by a dozen of his Senate Democrat colleagues.

The Black Lives Matter 860 (Hartford CT) Twitter account expressed dismay at Fonfara’s decision to join the contest for the Democratic nomination for mayor of Hartford.

Updates as they are received.

Published March 17, 2023.

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