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Newington mayor calls for DiBella ouster at MDC.

It may be the beginning, but of what no one can be certain. Mayor Beth A. DelBuono of Newington called for MDC chairman William DiBella to resign in the aftermath of the release of an audit report on DiBella’s role in finding business for a law firm. If DiBella does not resign, DelBuono calls on commission members to use every tool at their disposal to remove him.

DelBuono wrote in her April 6th letter to commissioners, “I continue to have concerns regarding the ability for Chairman DiBella to lead the MDC Commission.  Based upon the Facts of Finding and the violations of the MDC’s Charter and By-Laws that are stated and expanded upon on pages 43-44 of this document, I respectfully request that Chairman DiBella resign effective immediately from any and all positions held within the MDC and Commission.  Should Chairman DiBella refuse to do so, I would ask that the Commission take any and all action possible to remove him from his position as Chair.”

DelBuono, a Republican, is serving her second two-year term as mayor. Her letter notes she is out of town and unable to attend Monday’s meeting but has asked “my Deputy Mayor, Gail Budrejko to read my letter into the record for your consideration.”

DiBella is a master of the dark arts of maintaining control over the MDC board–no matter who is on it. His opponents have an evenhanded report critical of his conduct but the voting commissions include a big block from Hartford–where DiBella maintains his residence by keeping supplies for his ablutions at his son’s condominium near the MDC headquarters.

The commission convenes a special meeting Monday at 5:30 p.m. to review the audit report. The meeting notice contains both a video and telephone link for members of the public.

Published April 10, 2023.