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MDC: A refresher course in how it still works.

MDC Chairman William DiBella withstood a challenge in what sounded on an audio link like a raucous meeting Monday. The commission voted 15-13 to table a discussion of a report critical of DiBella for funneling legal work to his friend James Sandler without authorization.

DiBella is in his 22nd year as chairman of the regional agency that provides water and sewer services to greater Hartford communities, eight of which have seats on the commission. DiBella detractors have been gaining gaining supporters since the Sandler invoices became an issue last year. They did not properly reckon with DeBella’s decades of experience thwarting challenges when he looks like the final act has arrived.

Rebels and reformers, remember the saga of East Hartford Republican John Grottole. In 2004, a majority of the members of the commission were Republicans. On paper they had the votes–until they did not. Republicans on the commission claimed that Grottole told them DiBella had been behind a land deal the East Hartford Republican made with Hartford. Grottole voted for DiBella. DiBella denied any role.

Monday’s vote signaled how determined DiBella’s supporters are willing to abandon norms to protect the veteran Democrat. They would not allow a discussion of the critical report. Nothing has changed.

Published April 12, 2023