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Witkos returns. Former state senator running for Canton first selectman.

Canton Republican Kevin Witkos ended 20 years in the state legislature when he did not seek re-election as a state senator from the far-flung 8th District last year. This year, the retired police officer, former restaurant and bar owner and Eversource program manager is the Republican nominee for first selectman of the Hartford outer suburb, according to the Valley Press.

Witkos served on Canton’s board of education before winning a stunning upset victory over seven term Democratic House of Representatives incumbent Jesse Stratton. She was mounting a credible challenge to incumbent speaker Moira Lyons when Witkos won the seat comprised of Avon and Canton. Witkos served three terms before winning the open 8th District seat.

Witkos will face Bob Namnoum, a retired Granby English teacher and athletic coach who worked for the Connecticut Education Association as a field director and lobbyist.

Democrat Robert Bessel announced is not seeking re-election.

Published August 7, 2023.