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The revolution is re-scheduled. South Windsor Republican council members will vote to remove mayor Friday at 6 p.m.

Five South Windsor Republicans have for the third time in two days scheduled a special meeting to remove the sixth Republican on the Town Council, Audrey Delnicki, as mayor. It will be a surprise if the five can each find their way to the South Windsor Town Hall at 6 p.m. on Friday.

It’s scheduled for a time that appears intended to limit public attendance and participation. The most recent agenda repeats the quintet’s complaints that Delnicki does not share information with them and has failed to provide leadership. Their inability to be able to complete the task of calling for a special meeting in one simple move suggests it may not be possible to lead them.

Local voters issued a firm rebuke of the six incumbent Democrats when they sought re-election after using a revaluation to enact a punishing tax increase. The victorious Republicans promised voters they would cut taxes. The five unhappy winners, Richard Balboni, Michael Buganski, Carolyn Carey, Toby Lewis, and Deputy Mayor Matthew Siracusa form a majority on the nine-member body. They have the votes to deliver their promise. Siracusa does not need to be mayor for them to lower the town’s mill rate–if they can accomplish the difficult task of addressing spending.

The odious phrase that a fish rots from the head comes to mind. This is the contemporary Republican Party. Perhaps the five can convince Marjorie Taylor Green or Matthew Gaetz to provide greeting for Friday’s meeting.

Voters expect the people they elect to lead their local government to sort out their differences quietly and with regular public displays of competence, not spectacle.

Published September 18, 2024.


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