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Mike France stands out on breast cancer—for the wrong reason.

Former state Representative Mike France is as bad a candidate in his Second Congressional District bid as he was two years ago. He thinks a pink ribbon will hide his record.

France today posted on Facebook what he may think is a clever acknowledgement of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There’s something he does not want voters to know. The Republican was one of just three members of the state House to vote against requiring state regulated health insurance plans to cover the cost of 3D mammograms. France cast that vote in April 2016. The tally still tells the tale: 139 yes, 3 no.

The 3D technology largely paid for itself with its advanced technology in providing clear results that significantly reduced the number of doubtful mammograms that required additional imaging. In the long, excruciating march to a cure for breast cancer, advances in technology are in the vanguard. It will profit us nothing if we do not make it widely available through the cost-sharing of health insurance.

In this fractious age, 139 members of the House, Republican and Democrats from across the political spectrum agreed. Only France and two other Republicans voted no.

Now, when France talks about breast cancer, he starts with a joke

Check your breasts, please. And then check France’s record. There’s nothing funny about it.

Published October 1, 2024.


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