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Mrs. McMahon Sends a Signal.

The outsider showed up at the insiders’ ball today.  Linda McMahon, 2010 Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, joined hundreds of Connecticut’s political establishment in Hartford to hear Governor Dannel P. Malloy deliver his budget address to a joint session of the legislature and assorted others.

McMahon, who touted herself as an outsider in her race against Democrat Richard Blumenthal, greeted legislators and commented on the Malloy proposal to raise taxes and make some cuts in state spending.  The Greenwich Republican surprised observers by placing first in a Tea Party straw poll, narrowly defeating Peter Schiff and far outdistancing the rest of the field.

McMahon’s appearance in Hartford today suggests she continues to take soundings for a 2012 U.S. Senate bid and may be getting closer to announcing a decision about a race she seems to want to make.


1 Bobby { 02.16.11 at 2:47 pm }

Linda- please don’t run.

2 Paul { 02.16.11 at 3:19 pm }

An early prediction. She’ll lose again. This time in the primary.

3 Citizen { 02.16.11 at 8:05 pm }

For Lieberman’s replacement, I’d take Linda over tax & spend Murphy in a heartbeat.

4 Palin Smith { 02.16.11 at 9:31 pm }

That Tea Party poll was among only 54 people, many of whom were new to the TP. McMahon won by one vote, 15-14 over Schiff.
In an earlier straw poll conducted after the January 8 GOP town meeting in New Britain, it was Schiff 54, McMahon 27…out of 150 total votes. Just the facts ma’am!

5 George { 02.17.11 at 8:22 am }

The Red Tide that swept the nation in 2010 fell short in liberal CT, as it did in CA, DE, and NV, where popular D politicians survived. That won’t be the case in 2012, at least in CT. Thanks to Gov. Malloy’s plan to expand government by raising a raft of taxes, CT will be mired in high unemployment and a moribund economy in 2012.

CT Voters will be angrier than they were in 2010. McMahon is well-know and now an experienced campaigner. And she won’t be running against the wealthiest, most popular and most powerful Democrat in CT.

Nothing lasts forever. The D stranglehold on CT Senate seats can end in 2012, especially if McMahon runs.

6 Catspaw { 02.18.11 at 10:07 pm }

Mr. Rennie, we Photoshoped a banana where the phone is in your picture. Are we really just being juvenile? Or, did you Photoshop a phone into her hand? This media stuff is causing a lot of confusion. Also, those beads around her neck, are those human eye balls or goat eyeballs? The children are having nighmares again. Is McMahon running for office or is this an out take from Star-Trek?

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