Lisa Wilson-Foley Takes Soundings in 5th.
Lisa Wilson-Foley, who unsuccessfully sought the 2010 Republican nomination for lieutenant governor, is exploring a bid for the 5th district seat being given up by Democrat Christopher Murphy to run for the United States Senate. Wilson-Foley, an Avon business owner, came second at the state’s Republican convention, behind Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton and far ahead of former veteran Groton legislature Lenny Winkler. Boughton defeated Wilson-Foley in the August primary by about 5,700 votes.
Wilson-Foley’s strong result in that race included a formidable show of strength in significant parts of the 5th, including her home base of Avon and its neighboring towns of Simsbury, Farmington, and Canton. The novice candidate was not reluctant dig deep into her fortune to boost her recognition among Republicans.
I think Lisa will make a great Congress woman. She knows the 5th district and understands the job creation is the # 1 priority. Lisa is a successful business woman and has created numerous jobs in the 5th district.
Lisa you have my vote!
Love her!
She’s smart, hard-working, and willing to advice and counsel. I hope she does it, because I’d work my tail off for her.
Having known Lisa for many years there could not be a better candidate to represent the people of Connecticut. Her drive, business smarts and compassion for people makes for an unstoppable combination. After following her last campaign closely her vision for Connecticut is spot on and our voices would definitely be heard in Washington.
She is just what we need an outsider that will get the job done. Go LISA!!!!
I hope Lisa does run. She’s a class act who will be able to bring years of business and healthcare experience to the debate. The time is right for her message! She knows what it takes and is willing to make the tough decisions to turn the country around!
Just what we need-another pro-abort Republican.
Lisa should run as a Democrat. She is way left on social issues. She put out a commercial while running for Lt Gov. touting how Obamacare would create jobs in CT. She would definitely lose. Let her spend her money and make it easier for a conservative to win.
the 5th is going to go Republican because Murphy is leaving the seat and we don’t have a Democrat to keep it in safe hands…
Lisa Wilson Foley, no thanks. Lisa believes Obamacare will create tech jobs for CT. As a citizen she ignored the FACT that Obamacare is unconstitional. Lisa also supported Janet Peckingpaugh, a rino. Lisa should run as a D or working families party candidate, not as an R. Let’s find and support a conservative, for all 5 congressioanl seats!!!!
with all due respect for folks of faith; the 5th is a tough enough seat for any Republican to win without declaring folks persona non grata on one issue or another. Ronald Reagan campaigned for Nancy Johnson, now didn’t he? Let’s get back the 11th Commandment and choose a candidate on their overall abilities. That said, I’m waitin on Mayor Mark.
She is pro-abortion and has made favorable statements about Obamacare. I would never vote for anyone who is pro-abortion in a primary, but even without that issue, her contrasting and conflicting positions on Obamacare make her a risky choice. Greenberg is clear and consistent on being both pro-life and anti-Obamacare.
How about all her donations to Democrats?
10/17/98 $1,000 Larson, John B (D)
3/30/04 $1,000 Larson, John B (D)
Sounds like another liberal who wants to run as a Republican.
She sounds like a moderate Democrat. I really don’t understand why she isn’t running in the Democrat primary? I don’t see why any conservative would vote for her.
.AVON When Republican Lisa Wilson-Foley announced her candidacy for lieutenant governor in April a nomination she sought on her own rather than as part of a gubernatorial team she said I am running on my own steam because we need a fresh perspective. Although she has never held elective office Wilson-Foley aimed to bring her entrepreneurial experience to the Capitol to help run the state be an ambassador for small businesses and create jobs.Despite being a political novice she almost got the nod to do that on Aug. In the primary race Wilson-Foley lost to Mark Boughton mayor of Danbury who garnered slightly more than half the votes while her tally was a little less than half. According to results released by the Associated Press she received 52 615 votes 47 percent to his 58 425 votes 53 percent .Although disappointed with her loss Wilson-Foley said she was not sorry she tried and did not rule out another political run.