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Dan Roberti Evacuated to Cannes–and Reunited With Father in 2006. We Have the Pictures.

James Carville’s fundraising email for Democrat Dan Roberti painted an incomplete picture of the novice congressional candidate, leaving out some high spots. Carville’s rendition of Roberti finds the 28 year old in a perpetual struggle against adversity.  Raised by a “single mom” in “a modest two-family house,” Carville’s Roberti worked his way through college “with the help of scholarships, financial aid and Pell grants.” Roberti was in graduate school when Katrina struck in 2005.  He met Carville in its aftermath.

What a trouper. Roberti managed to make his way from devastated New Orleans to the 2006 Cannes Film Festival.   And while there, Roberti found his father! Only in the movies.  The glorious black tie reunion was recorded and celebrated with actor Robin Williams and movie mogul Harvey Weinstein.  What a lucky break to have found a scholarship to the famed French film festival.

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1 Dan Roberti Evacuated to Cannes–and Reunited With Father in 2006 … : New Movie Releases { 03.29.11 at 7:24 am }

[…] more early th&#1077 original fund: Dan Roberti Evacuated t&#959 Cannes–&#1072n&#1281 Reunited W&#1110th Father &#1110n 2006 … Related Posts:Swann bb sl/rl: Cannes Film Festival film : review 2006 Cannes Film Festival film : […]