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Nancy Wyman’s Condolences–and Her Record.

Governor Dannel P. Malloy and Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman issued a statement late this afternoon on the death of former Ronald Reagan press secretary and control advocate James Brady.

The joint statement included this quote from the duo:

“Jim Brady was a tireless public servant and we owe him a debt of gratitude for his efforts to reduce the scourge of gun violence in America. There was a time when Washington worked in a meaningful way to enact common sense gun violence prevention laws. That was due in no small measure to the efforts of James Brady and his wife, Sarah. To his family, friends, and colleagues, we extend our condolences.”

Wyman must be hoping memories in Connecticut have faded. When Jim and Sarah Brady came to Connecticut in 1993 to persuade legislators to support an assault weapons bill, Wyman, serving her 4th term in the House, refused to be moved by their common sense arguments. When she had chance to join the bipartisan coalition for the bill, Nancy Wyman chose to support the coalition opposing the gun violence prevention law.

Politics mattered more to Wyman that public policy. Even noble Jim Brady, confined to a wheelchair and struggling to speak, could not move Nancy Wyman.

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