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Republican Contest Leadership Test.

Serious Republican competitors will be scrambling today to turn out a crowd of protesters to urges Governor Dannel P. Malloy to veto the budget the Democratic legislature passed Wednesday. Malloy announced in an email Saturday that he will be kicking off the Democrats’ 2015 campaign effort In Hartford Sunday at 12:45 p.m.

This is the sort of activity Joe Markley understands. Rivals John Pavia and J.R. Romano may have to strain to make an impression. Clock is ticking.

UPDATE: Fairfield Republicans organize.

Fairfield Republicans
June 4 at 8:56am · 

MALLOY TO VISIT FAIRFIELD SUNDAY – In a shocking turn of events, Fairfield First Selectman Mike Tetreau has asked Governor Malloy to headline his re-election campaign kick-off event Sunday at 3pm at the Southport Brewing Company. A rally is being planned across the street from the restaurant starting at 2:30pm to show opposition to the Governor’s Budget. If you do attend, we ask that everyone remain civil, do not block access and that everyone be respectful to the businesses in the complex. Southport Brewing Company is very supportive of many organizations in Fairfield and has been the venue for many political events and we hope you will all continue to support this local business.

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