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Malloy Math: 3,200 GE Jobs Today are More Than 6,275 GE Jobs Yesterday.


Truth is taking a bludgeoning as unpopular Governor Dannel P. Malloy considers a bid for a third term. Malloy has been insisting that GE has more employees in Connecticut than when he was elected in 2010. The Courant has the numbers and they cast Malloy’s relationship with the truth in a dark light. GE had 6,275 employees in Connecticut in 2010. The corporate giant now employs 3,200 people in Connecticut. That’s a decline of 3,075. State Representative John Frey (R-Ridgefield), who has knowledgeable sources at GE, tells The Courant that 3,200 is not GE’s Connecticut employment floor. Expect more reductions this year.

The is not the first time Malloy and his administration have had trouble with an honest count of Connecticut jobs. They spent 2015 vastly overstating job creation in Connecticut.  Last March, Malloy’s administration issued a humiliating report revealing the year of errors.

If emphatically misstating easily verified job numbers is the re-election plan Malloy and his trio of close advisors have devised to help him get re-nominated and then re-elected, Democratic delegates and primary voters should brace themselves for a brutal competition against anyone who challenges the two-term Democratic incumbent for a third term.