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David Stemerman is Serious. Donates $1.8 Million to Campaign for Governor.

No one should doubt how serious rookie Greenwich Republican David  Stemerman is about his bid for governor. The hedge fund honcho donated $1.8 million to his nascent campaign for the state’s top job, according to his first campaign finance report. It’s not a Linda McMahon size deposit to campaign coffers but it’s a big start in a race in which other candidates spending their days and nights chasing $100 donations. Candidates whose dreams are filled by visions of hitting the $250,000 mark.

Now Stemerman has to show he knows how to do more than write a fat check.

Stemerman did receive one contribution that has wags snickering. It was $1,000 from his treasurer, Henry Schaffer, of Trumbull. Yes, Trumbull.