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Arulampalam, DiBella Slate Mates With Angel Arce in Tuesday’s Town Committee Primary.

Arce and the Bronins in happier times.

Arunan Arulampalam will make his 2018 ballot next to slate mate Angel Arce in Tuesday’s Hartford Democratic town committee primary. Town chairman Mark DiBella is also on the slate. Nice company you keep, fellas.

Jenna Carlesso has an update on the curious reluctance of the Arulampalam/Arce/DiBella endorsed slate to distance themselves from the disgraced legislator.

The Courant’s Jon Lender revealed a series of creepy Facebook Messenger texts that the three-term state representative sent to a 16 year old New Britain girl.

Arce was an early and enthusiastic supporter of Luke Bronin’s successful 2015 campaign for mayor.

UPDATE: In an email to Daily Ructions, Arunan Arupalam urges Arce to withdraw.