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A Big Get: Jepsen to Endorse Lamont.

Attorney General George Jepsen, the Connecticut’s most popular state officeholder, will announce his endorsement of Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Ned Lamont Monday morning, Daily Ructions has learned. Jepsen is the first significant Democrat to offer public support of a candidate for governor in what has so far been an unusually quiet contest.

Jepsen was an early supporter of Lamont’s 2006 campaign for the U.S. Senate. That was the year the wealthy Greenwich Democrat scored a stunning upset over incumbent Joseph Lieberman in an August primary that received attention around the world. Lieberman defeated Lamont three months later as an independent candidate in the general election. Lamont lost the Democratic nomination for governor in 2010 to Dannel P. Malloy.

Jepsen, who lives in West Hartford, is serving his second term as attorney general and announced in November  that he will not seek a third.