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What’s That Stink? Blumenthal and McMahon Tied–in Soaring Unfavorables.

Linda McMahon’s Senate campaign let CQ’s John McArdle see its latest internal poll.  It shows the wrestling mogul 13 points behind Democrat Richard Blumenthal in their race for the seat being given up by incumbent Christopher Dodd. The survey, conducted by Moore Information, finds Blumenthal beating McMahon 51-38.

Neither candidate is going to be propelled across the finish line in November on wings of voter love.  Each has an unfavorable rating of 32%.  That’s jarring for both candidates for different reasons.  Blumenthal has been Connecticut’s most popular elected official for many years.  That unfavorable rating suggests his disturbing false tales of service in Vietnam are changing a significant number of voters’ opinion of him. McMahon, on the other hand, has been a candidate for only 9 months.  In that short time an equal number of voters have taken a quick dislike to the Greenwich billionaire.  That sort of immediate dislike can be difficult to change.  McMahon’s built that formidable unfavorable rating after spending $15 million introducing herself and dismembering Republican rival Rob Simmons.  No one has yet run a broadcast ad against her.

The polls have provided the public and both campaigns with a roller coaster of varying numbers in the past month.  One clear trend is that many Connecticut voters will hold their nose when they mark their ballot in less than six months.


1 Jim Aspell { 06.10.10 at 12:09 am }

I have to agree with Anne Coulter on this one. Linda McMahon cannot possibly win the general election. Rob Simmons, who did quite well in the 2nd District can. He has the bona fides, and has paid his dues. If Linda really wanted to right by the State, she would cede here endorsement and lend her war chest to Simmons.

2 George { 06.10.10 at 9:38 am }

Starting from scratch just ten months ago, McMahon set her on sights on wresting the Republican nomination away from career politician Rob Simmons, a former U.S. Congressman and Rell’s statewide small business advocate. No one thought she could do it. But she did.

Now, she has another career politician in her gun sights. Saying McMahon “can’t” do something is foolish. Just ask Rob Simmons.

Aside from her personal wealth, which is a huge advantage, she also has a strong message about growing jobs, rebuilding the economy and changing the way Washington operates. And she has the benefit of a growing tide of voter anger that is squarely focused on career politicians.

3 michael { 06.11.10 at 10:33 am }

make no mistake – the race is about the Eternal General. Do the voters want more of his style in a different role, or do they want to fire him. This has little to do with the guy vacating the senate seat, or the opponent. I predict when Dodd offers to endorse Blumenthal they orchestrate a low profile, perfunctory event like the Sunday night email mea culpa.

4 Jane Dauphinais { 06.11.10 at 6:43 pm }

A strong message? Please. She has pabulum talking points and is as shallow as they come. She has money and a closet full of negatives. She’s a timebomb.

5 EDWARD JACHIMOWSKI { 06.11.10 at 8:54 pm }

JANE:: thank you for that last comment about the XCEO. The a.g. needs to vacate his job[plum,plum,plum–blum,blum,blum,BLUMEY is the head case–VALOR THEFT, CAMERA??where,where,here,here,-
me,me,me/man/boy;FIVE DEFERMENTS-PATHOLOGICAL–I was in virginia this pass week–CT is a LAUGHING STOCK STATE–Does
anyone know Independent Conservative Edward JACHIMOWSKI–
PETITION CANDIDATE–signatures in by Aug. 4th