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Republican Contest for Governor to Boost Jobs in Connecticut.

It begins with Bob Stefanowski. The freshly minted Madison Republican is looking for petition circulators. Here’s a link. The job is harder than it sounds–that’s why he needs 200 circulators. Anyone who has collected Republican signatures for primary petitions will tell you that registered party members are thin on the ground. People often do not know how they are registered or are in error in believing they are enrolled in a party.

Self-funder Stefanowski is one of the candidates who will be seeking to collect about 10,000 Republican signatures (you need a buffer) to qualify for the August primary for governor. Expect others to follow, including Greenwich self-funder David Stemerman. Others who fall short of the 15% of the delegates on any ballot at the party’s May nominating convention required to qualify for the primary ballot will also need to collect signatures.