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Zimmerman on Fundraising Tour in Race Against Bysiewicz.

Newtown Democrat Eva Bermudez Zimmerman is busy raising money to qualify for public financing in her nomination contest with endorsed candidate Susan Bysiewicz. Zimmerman has events next week in New Britain and West Hartford. This week, she enjoyed a well-attended and, Daily Ructions understands, enthusiastic reception in Middletown, home to Bysiewicz. That event found the town’s Democratic mayor, Dan Drew, in attendance, as well as many local party activists. The Middletown party committee has seen some ructions of its own this year, but many members seem united in their support for Zimmerman.

The race between Bysiewicz and Zimmerman is becoming the most-watched competition for an under-ticket ballot spot in either party’s August 14th matchups. It may also be the one with the best chance for a rare endorsed candidate upset in a statewide Connecticut primary.