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Shannon Kula Makes Three in 5th CD Democratic Primary.

Democrat Shannon Kula, recently of Farmington, has collected enough signatures to make the ballot in the August 14th primary for the 5th Congressional District, Daily Ructions has learned. Kula will join Mary Glassman and National Teacher of the Year Jahana Hayes in the competition for the rare Connecticut open seat.

Glassman won the party endorsement at a May convention that continues to be the subject of a party dispute over the unusual switching procedure at the end of the second ballot.

Kula was briefly associated with the University of St. Joseph in West Hartford earlier this year and tested her appeal against popular incumbent 1st CD Democrat John Larson.

Completed petition forms must be submitted to local registrars of voters by the end of the business day Tuesday, June 12th.

Republicans will also have a 5th CD primary between three candidates, Manny Santos, Ruby O’Neill and Rich DuPont. Santos, the former mayor of Meriden, won the party endorsement at its convention last month.