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Lamont on Bysiewicz: Sometimes Opposites Attract.

Take a few minutes to read the New Haven Independent’s moment-by-moment account of Democrat Ned Lamont’s two day tour of New Haven. It ends on a curious note as the Greenwich self-funder offers chilly praise of running mate Susan Bysiewicz. Here are the two concluding paragraphs:

Lamont also said that he did not see his continued alliance with lieutenant governor candidate Susan Bysiewicz as anything other than an asset, even though most of New Haven’s political leadership has lined up behind Bysiewicz’s opponent, the 31-year-old labor organizer Eva Bermudez Zimmerman.

“I’m the outsider,” Lamont said. “I’m going to go up to Hartford and bring big, fundamental change. … Susan has worked in the legislature, been secretary of state, elected three times [to the General Assembly.] We’re a pretty good team. Opposites attract sometimes.”

Opposites are not what usually voluntarily get together on a ticket for governor or lieutenant governor. The candidates usually make some effort to emphasize their similarities, not their striking differences.