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Beyond Puffery. Bermudez Zimmerman Claims to Have Written 2009 Stimulus Package Legislation–as Rangel Intern.

In a July 17th tweet, Democratic lieutenant governor hopeful Eva Bermudez Zimmerman claims she “was writing stimulus package legislation on Capital [sic] Hill” among her other achievements in politics. The $800 billion stimulus was passed in February 2009, not long after President Barack Obama took office. Zimmerman was an intern in then-U.S. Representative Charles Rangel’s office at the time.

In a profile in The Hill as part of its 2009 “50 Most Beautiful People,” Zimmerman’s duties in Rangel’s office were described more modestly. “Bermudez has hosted bilingual meetings, written briefs and memos in Spanish and spoken on air for Spanish news stations like Telemundo on behalf of the congressman. When asked about her experience as an intern on Capitol Hill, she said, ‘It’s amazing; it’s a very busy office.'”  No mention of writing stimulus legislation.

Zimmerman faces endorsed Democrat and Ned Lamont running mate Susan Bysiewicz in the August 14th primary. This is Zimmerman’s first bid for statewide office. It’s Bysiewicz’s ninth.